Cole County R-V School District News
Are you a bargain shopper? Here are the school supply lists for our elementary and midd...
You are cordially invited to our Kindergarten Roundup! Date: March 19, 2024 Tim...
Homecoming Spirit Week is January 29-February 2 Monday: Country Music Tuesday: ...
Cole County R-V is Celebrating Red Ribbon Week on Oct. 23-31, encouraging our students ...
Due to the elementary parking lot resurfacing, our car rider pickup/drop...
Title I is a federal program that provides our school district funds in order to suppor...
Students in 4th-12th grades will bring home MAP and/or EOC scores today. Be sure to che...
To our Eagle Families: We are grateful to our Eagle families for a great start to th...
Picture Day is coming up on Friday, September 8! Order before Picture Day to receive fr...
Flyers are coming home soon, or you may place orders online.