Attention all Cole R-V Graduates! Eugene High School welcomes all past graduates to join us for semi-annual alumni breakfasts, held on the last Wednesday of October and April.Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Alumni Breakfast, planned for October 25, 2023 in the high school cafeteria. Tickets may be purchased at the door for $6. Doors open at 8:00am, with breakfast served at 8:30am
Eugene High School Alma Mater
Sing praises to our high school Keep our honor shining bright. We are loyal to our colors We revere the black and white. We must confess that our success Has raised our courage high. For the true and brave May our banner wave! Keep faith in Eugene High
The History of the Alma Mater
Cyrilla (Tellman) Doerhoff, Class of 1941, has a clear memory of writing the Eugene High school song along with friends and classmates Nadine Sanning, Doris Pendleton, and Joyce Bond. When asked about it by her son, Dale Doerhoff, she said they based it on a college alma mater but could not recall which one. Whether a faculty advisor assisted is unknown.
Mrs. Doerhoff and her classmates were honored at the Eugene High School Alumni Banquet on June 10, 2023. Over 120 attendees of this year’s banquet stood and sang the Alma Mater in unison, to commemorate the contributions of Mrs. Doerhoff and her classmates of 1941.
Do you have any alumni photos to share? You may email them to:
(573) 498-4099
Rules of Submission
- Photos must be only those of Cole R-V students, faculty and other employees, and buildings and grounds, taken on school property or during school activities.
- Each photo must be from a reasonably clear, original picture that has been scanned at a 300 DPI if possible.
- All photos must be submitted in digital format as noted above.
- Each photo must be in good taste, holding no one up to public ridicule or embarrassment.
- Each photo must have a clearly written caption that tells who or what is in the photo, which class or classes are involved, and the date or approximate date of the photo. Obviously there may be some "unknowns" duly noted.

Cyrilla Sestak and best friend, Mary Schwaller, Eugene High School, circa 1953-54. This photo was taken near where an underground tunnel connected the main school building with the gymnasium. The identity of the little girl carrying her dollie and turning away is lost to history. Photo courtesy of Mary's daughter, Stephanie Amos, 2020.